Depression: The Life of the PTA Kind
This is the face of Depression. No, it doesnât look like the Eor, moppy face sad sack from the Zoloft commercial. Bouncing along, leading you to believe the blues are Readily recognizable on everyone shopping in their bed slippers and bathrobe. It might look like that, but more often than not it looks a lot like the Life of the party. The charismatic PTA mama (that is most definitely not me) whoâs always the Center of attention. The one who spends so much energy entertaining everyone that she Crashes after each gathering. âI tried calling Nikki to see if she wanted to do lunch, but she hasnât returned…
Can We Talk About The Giving Tree?
Last week, I read a few books to my daughter’s 1st grade class; I’m famous like that. I think there might have been one or two students who had never heard it, but I think they were a little too shy to speak up. Most of them have heard it several times. At least 3 shouted out that it was their Favorite book, and I think that’s how a lot of people feel about it. The friend of mine who gave it to my son years ago loved it as well. I, on the other hand, never really follow the crowd and there’s something about that book that has just…
Fresh Outta Ducks
The further I get down my life’s journey, the less I feel like I have to prove myself to Anyone. Those who know me, know me. Those who want to, will. Those who don’ either won’t care, or they’ll make something up. Whichever category people fall into, none of their opinions really matter. It doesn’t matter what they think, or expect of me, and none of them Define me. It’s not a lesson that I think they’ll absorb right away, and it certainly isn’t lesson that I’ve mastered, but I still have to Plant the seed. The question is, how? How do I help my kids develop the same attitude while they’re still…
The Secret To Giving Mama The Perfect Gift
This post may contain affiliate links  Itâs that time of year again, and everyone is scrambling for the Perfect gifts for everyone on their list. I’m not for Black Friday or all the madness that comes along with excessive shopping, but I do think there’s something nice about a thoughtful gift for those close to you. I think we all intend to put a little Extra love and care into what we give the moms in our lives, but do you really know how to Wow a mom? Do you know how to nail it on the head, no matter what your budget? Well, you’re in luck. I just happen…
How Much Would It Cost To Replace Me
Iâve been under quite a bit of stress lately. Iâm using all my Messiful tools but it seems as though I simply have too much on my plate. Really, itâs on my shoulders, because thatâs where I hold my stress. So much so that this past weekend my neck went on strike. Like, âyou donât pay me enough for this shit, Iâm out! Â I havenât had a massage or chiropractic in months, and you want to add More to the load?â Literally every muscle in my neck and shoulders seized up to the point where I could not move my head. The only way to find any relief from the…
The Day After- What Do We Tell Our Kids
The night before last I was very Cavalier, suggesting that everyone go and make a cocktail and chill out. I went to bed shortly after, not a care in the world. I have to admit, I Never thought that there were enough people in this country that would actually elect someone so hateful and clearly unfit. I knew there were people, and that racism was still an issue, but seeing all that red on the map made me sick to my stomach. I was Totally confident that I would wake up the next morning and ease my daughters’ fears over the possibility of this man being elected, by telling them…
Pour Yourself A Messiful Mama
This post may contain affliate links The “Messiful Mama” is a little cocktail I came up with one night when I was finally home from a 4 day stay at the hospital with my daughter. I’m sure you can imagine, when I got back I was worn out and stressed out; a bit of a Mess. Â Kind of like how a of people are feeling about this election. It’s like a long drawn out hospital stay. You’re sick, uncomfortable, waiting for the doctor to finally give you a diagnosis so you can Go home and recover. Well, we’re on our way home. One way or another, tomorrow morning it will…
I’m #notaholidaymom, and that’s okay. For all my mamas who can’t get enough, don’t worry I’m not here to feud. If you have huge Tupperware bins filled with inflatables and reindeer, and you start counting down the Fridays til’ in August, We can still be cool. We don’t need to step into the gauntlet and throw down, it’s not that serious. I’m simply here to let the less than crafty mamas, who prefer to use the shits they give on things like chocolate and coffee, know that it’s okay. You do not have to pretend to like the holidays anymore. I’m here for you. I don’t like carving pumpkins! There, I…
5 Places You Might Find a M.F.F
No, not a Mother Fu*@&#$ friend, a Messiful Friend Forever! I love that I can call my sister and ask her what sheâs doing and she will say, âWiping Buttsâ and I will Smile and my day will get just a Little Bit Brighter. Our mess just feels a lot less Ridiculous when we have someone to Share it with; someone who really Get’s It! If you donât have one you really need to Get One! I’m blessed to have several sisters, 4 of them mothers. Unfortunately, all of them live pretty far away and while they’re a great long distance support you really do need someone who can Jump In and drop…
Smoothies = Self Love
This post may contain affiliate links Monday’s, for me, are madness, Messiful if you will. No one feels like jumping back into the weekly routine, least of all me. I love that they go to school, I’m not so crazy about the fact that I have to get them ready and take them. That’s why I make it a point to make nutrition a Priority. Otherwise, I’m cranky and hungry on top of all the hectic fun that seems to go with the day. But that’s not the Only reason. Smoothies = Self Love and gosh darn it, I deserve it. And, you do too! I could always…