
What The Cup?!

Cupping wasn’t even really on my radar until it was suggested to me mid massage, but I so wish I would have known about it a long time ago. So, here I am, putting it on your radar because it’s a self-care cup of awesome that you’ve gotta try.

I’ve been getting regular massages for a little over a year to help with the recovery of my shoulder after surgery; two surgeries actually. It’s been super helpful, and luckily I’ve found someone who’s good at getting deep down in the tissue, but nothing compares to these amazing little cups that literally suck the stress right out of you.

So what is cupping?

It’s an ancient Chinese therapy that improves energy flow and circulation, based on the philosophy that stagnation causes pain and dis-ease. Small glass, bamboo or silicone cups are used as a suction device to provide an inverse release; as compared to massage which uses downward pressure.

The increase in blood flow speeds muscle recovery, reduces inflammation, and aides in detoxification. Cupping is used to treat everything from colds and congestion, to migraines and an array of pain based conditions.

There’s loads of information out there. Those sexy purple circles have become the new black, and cupping continues on as a popular trend, but let’s water it down to what we mama’s actually care about.

Does it Work?

In a word, yes! I have tried a lot of different ways to relax and I’ve got to say this is at the top of my list. I have not used this for any health related issues so I can’t speak specifically to that, but what I can say is woooosaaaaaahh! There’s some type of mojo magic in getting everything moving deep down. My therapist can wrestle a knot for 20 minutes into temporary submission, but 5 minutes of suction and it’s like a good night sleeper hold; everything just let’s go! I like to think that us moms carry a very unique brand of stress and for me cupping is the perfect release.

Does it Hurt?

Let’s be real. We get surprise kicks to the face from the tiny people that invade our beds at night. Collectively we’ve stepped on at least a million legos. We’re not running toward anything painful unless there’s a major reward on the other side. Trust me when I say, there’s a slight pain, but a gigantic gain.

I’ve got some serious stagnation going on in the sciatic region, and I may have yelped just a little bit there, but we didn’t even venture into that area for a few sessions. The the first suck of the cup was up on my shoulder and I was good. Basically, it totally depends on where the cups are placed and what’s going on underneath. Good thing is, the suction can be adjusted, and working in an area that’s particularly tender may actual yield some serious relief. (If it’s super uncomfortable in one spot or another, speak up) No matter where the cups, there is a slight pinch sensation, but for me that quickly fades as I float into another realm. It’s soooo relaxing, though, don’t let those few seconds scare you off. You’re mom-tough. You got this!

So the verdict? Do it! Add it to your self-care bucket list and make it happen. Your cup will runneth over, I promise.

*As with any treatment plans it is important to fully discuss your history and goals with your practitioner so you can come up with a personalized plan that’s best suited to your individual needs.

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Hi, I'm Xavia, The Messiful Mama. I am the mother of 4 amazing, spirited children who save my life everyday. I pour myself into parenting and, although, there are plenty of days where that effort is full of chaos and drama and sometimes even hair pulling, I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.